Unconvinced about Vista
Posted by David Meyer
OK, so it's about a month since I installed Vista on my lovely 2GHz Core 2 Duo home laptop, and I can't say I'm unreservedly enthusiastic.Let's start with the look of the thing, which is clearly one of the OS's main drawing points. It does look pleasant - so much so that when I changed the theme to "Windows Classic" in an attempt to get the performance back up, I actually missed the Vista feel and switched back again.The other thing I like about it is the fact that I very rarely hear my laptop whirring anymore. This is fairly important.What I don't like is that it takes longer to start up than XP did, and certainly takes about twice as long as XP to shut down. Hungry games like Oblivion also no longer run as efficiently. What does bump my Oblivion back up to normality is utilising ReadyBoost (pseudo-RAM from an SD card in my case), but frankly that technology doesn't seem to make as much of a difference as it should.(Gamers: please note that I have Oblivion on pretty much the lowest settings. My laptop only has a gig of RAM, but the game ran fine on those settings under XP. It seriously struggles under Vista.)Now, I understand that Vista is the OS we're going to be using for the next few years, and I understand that, while my laptop is new, a gig of RAM is going to be considered pretty weak in a couple of years' time. However, if I was thinking like a consumer here, and if I'd really been expecting "the Wow" to start now, I'd be pretty cheesed off.As it happens, I'm thinking of it a bit more like a tech hack, and taking the long view makes me feel a little less cheated. But thinking that way also makes me wonder when a truly user-friendly version of Linux is going to become available.Not that it will let me play Oblivion...
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dcmaxversion = 9
dcminversion = 6
On Error Resume Next
plugin = (IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." & dcmaxversion & "")))
If plugin = true Then Exit Do
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Loop While dcmaxversion >= dcminversion
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added by admin of www.dollarsforum.com
Group blogs now open to all members
Posted by Karen Friar
Good news--we've made it easier for you to join in our new group blogs. Instead of having to ask me for permission to join in, all members will automatically be able to post an entry to them.Right now, we've got group blogs going in three targeted areas: Vista Upgrade Blog, Sentry Posts (security management) and the freshly launched On the Road (mobile working). Think of them as places where you can gather and exchange chat--like getting together with friends in your usual spot down the local. Here's Matt Loney's take on them:"A group blog is a very simple idea: it is a place where you can blog on a specific subject alongside your peers. It's a place where you know your posts will attract the eyes of your peers, and where you can be part of what we hope will be a vibrant blog without worrying that you must post every day to maintain a steam of content."All you have to do to post into a group blog is to create an entry, then tick the appropriate box when it pops up under the preview screen. If you don't already have an account, it's the work of minutes to create one--just go here.For those who need an incentive, this week we're giving away tickets to the npower cricket test between England and the West Indies for the best entries in the Vista Upgrade Blog. Check out the details.
added by www.dollarsforum.com
Posted by Karen Friar
Good news--we've made it easier for you to join in our new group blogs. Instead of having to ask me for permission to join in, all members will automatically be able to post an entry to them.Right now, we've got group blogs going in three targeted areas: Vista Upgrade Blog, Sentry Posts (security management) and the freshly launched On the Road (mobile working). Think of them as places where you can gather and exchange chat--like getting together with friends in your usual spot down the local. Here's Matt Loney's take on them:"A group blog is a very simple idea: it is a place where you can blog on a specific subject alongside your peers. It's a place where you know your posts will attract the eyes of your peers, and where you can be part of what we hope will be a vibrant blog without worrying that you must post every day to maintain a steam of content."All you have to do to post into a group blog is to create an entry, then tick the appropriate box when it pops up under the preview screen. If you don't already have an account, it's the work of minutes to create one--just go here.For those who need an incentive, this week we're giving away tickets to the npower cricket test between England and the West Indies for the best entries in the Vista Upgrade Blog. Check out the details.
added by www.dollarsforum.com
Vista 30 Days After Install
Posted by {fatgadget}
Below is an article I published on my own blog (www.gadgettastic.com) about a week ago, with my experience in updgrading to Vista.Its exactly 30 days since I installed Vista on my PC, I have to say I was a little nervous about doing it at first. I downloaded the Microsoft Vista Upgrade Advisor and ran it, everything seemed to go ok and the report showed only a few minor software issues, so I decided to go for it.I scoured the web for information on Vista after reading many articles and tips I decided to buy Vista Home Premium 32 Bit edition, I managed to get myself an OEM copy from Microdirect for about £74 including the VAT & Delivery.It arrived the next day, I had already backed up all my data, so I decided to do a clean install, I booted my PC, ran the interactive setup, formatted the PC’s hard drive and began the install. It took about 30 minutes, I rebooted and was ready for the usual problems that you get with a fresh install of XP, I have to say I was more than a little surprised, all my hardware was there and everything seemed ok. Here’s the spec of my PC, nothing spectacular:-Processor: AMD Athlon 64 3700+ 2.20 GHzMotherboard: Gigabyte GA-K8N51GMF-9-RH Socket 939Memory: Corsair Value Select 3GB DDR PC3200 (3 x 1GB)Graphics Card: Sapphire Radeon X1650 Pro 265MB DDR3Hard Drive: 250GB Western Digital Caviar SE16 Sata 2 Hard DriveDVD Drive: Lite-on DRW-6S160P-05C DVD RW DriveWhat’s the catch I thought to myself; it can’t be this easy can it? I was expecting some error messages to pop up on my desktop, after about 5 minutes of playing around with Vista I realised this wasn’t going to happen.Surely it’s bound to go wrong when I install all my software, I thought to myself, so I went about installing my programs. After about an hour and a half I pretty much had everything I use installed, my email was working, I was able to browse the web, my antivirus was installed, so was my firewall, and the few games I play seemed to be working fine, and all the Vista updates (there weren’t many) were downloaded and installed.I have to say I was impressed, normally a complete clean install of XP takes a good 3+ hours to get everything setup just how I like it, for a complete clean install Vista is great. its simple, its quick, its painless, as long as you use the Microsoft Vista Upgrade Advisor first to make sure you have no major hardware compatibility issues.I have now got used to the new look and features of Vista, I love the Aero interface, and the glass effects, it looks and feels great to use, my favourite bit has to be the new Windows Sidebar, there are some great gadgets on the web to download to it from rss readers to media gadgets.Another cool feature is the Instant Search, this allows you to search your PC for files, and other items, it’s so much better than the search function in XP, easier to use, and fast very fast, it also provides some nice advanced features.There is a bunch of new security features as well, from the new User Account Control (which can be a little annoying from time to time but you learn to live with it), to the updated Windows Security Centre, to the Windows Defender. It a pretty comprehensive package and a huge improvement over XP. Combine this with a few decent free security programs from around the web ( I will talk about these later on in more detail) and you have a pretty secure PC, now I am not saying its 100% secure, but it is a serious improvement over XP.In conclusion, I am glad I made the move to Vista, it was a pretty painless process, I have now got used to all its features, its fun and simple to use, very user friendly and has a bunch of cool stuff that make my computing experience better.If I had to go back to using XP on my main machine I don’t think I could, there are too many new things that I would miss.Read my other articles at www.gadgettastic.com
add by admin of www.dollarsforum.com
Posted by {fatgadget}
Below is an article I published on my own blog (www.gadgettastic.com) about a week ago, with my experience in updgrading to Vista.Its exactly 30 days since I installed Vista on my PC, I have to say I was a little nervous about doing it at first. I downloaded the Microsoft Vista Upgrade Advisor and ran it, everything seemed to go ok and the report showed only a few minor software issues, so I decided to go for it.I scoured the web for information on Vista after reading many articles and tips I decided to buy Vista Home Premium 32 Bit edition, I managed to get myself an OEM copy from Microdirect for about £74 including the VAT & Delivery.It arrived the next day, I had already backed up all my data, so I decided to do a clean install, I booted my PC, ran the interactive setup, formatted the PC’s hard drive and began the install. It took about 30 minutes, I rebooted and was ready for the usual problems that you get with a fresh install of XP, I have to say I was more than a little surprised, all my hardware was there and everything seemed ok. Here’s the spec of my PC, nothing spectacular:-Processor: AMD Athlon 64 3700+ 2.20 GHzMotherboard: Gigabyte GA-K8N51GMF-9-RH Socket 939Memory: Corsair Value Select 3GB DDR PC3200 (3 x 1GB)Graphics Card: Sapphire Radeon X1650 Pro 265MB DDR3Hard Drive: 250GB Western Digital Caviar SE16 Sata 2 Hard DriveDVD Drive: Lite-on DRW-6S160P-05C DVD RW DriveWhat’s the catch I thought to myself; it can’t be this easy can it? I was expecting some error messages to pop up on my desktop, after about 5 minutes of playing around with Vista I realised this wasn’t going to happen.Surely it’s bound to go wrong when I install all my software, I thought to myself, so I went about installing my programs. After about an hour and a half I pretty much had everything I use installed, my email was working, I was able to browse the web, my antivirus was installed, so was my firewall, and the few games I play seemed to be working fine, and all the Vista updates (there weren’t many) were downloaded and installed.I have to say I was impressed, normally a complete clean install of XP takes a good 3+ hours to get everything setup just how I like it, for a complete clean install Vista is great. its simple, its quick, its painless, as long as you use the Microsoft Vista Upgrade Advisor first to make sure you have no major hardware compatibility issues.I have now got used to the new look and features of Vista, I love the Aero interface, and the glass effects, it looks and feels great to use, my favourite bit has to be the new Windows Sidebar, there are some great gadgets on the web to download to it from rss readers to media gadgets.Another cool feature is the Instant Search, this allows you to search your PC for files, and other items, it’s so much better than the search function in XP, easier to use, and fast very fast, it also provides some nice advanced features.There is a bunch of new security features as well, from the new User Account Control (which can be a little annoying from time to time but you learn to live with it), to the updated Windows Security Centre, to the Windows Defender. It a pretty comprehensive package and a huge improvement over XP. Combine this with a few decent free security programs from around the web ( I will talk about these later on in more detail) and you have a pretty secure PC, now I am not saying its 100% secure, but it is a serious improvement over XP.In conclusion, I am glad I made the move to Vista, it was a pretty painless process, I have now got used to all its features, its fun and simple to use, very user friendly and has a bunch of cool stuff that make my computing experience better.If I had to go back to using XP on my main machine I don’t think I could, there are too many new things that I would miss.Read my other articles at www.gadgettastic.com
add by admin of www.dollarsforum.com
Scott Boulch I stumbled onto the ClickFlipping idea a few months ago. Now, I earn over $50,000 a month with my proven system.
Recently, I set the internet marketing world on fire with my free reports, “The Death Of Adsense” and “Life After Adsense”. But hey, somebody had to speak the truth!
I created this private Life After Adsense group for anybody who’s ready to discover a proven path to online success.
Between the three of us, we’ll lay out a trail of bread crumbs that you can follow to create your own internet empire. I don’t care if you’re a total rookie… I don’t care if you think you have to be a geek to make money on the internet. We’ll break down everything step-by-step and hold you by the hand.
I’ll tell you more about the private group in a minute but first I must ask you…
Would You Trade A $1 Dollar Bill For A $100 Bill?
If I was standing on the corner asking for $1 bills and giving $100 bills in return, I’m willing to bet you’d stand there all day jamming dollar bills into my hands and joyfully pocketing $100 bills in return.
You’ve got a similar opportunity right here. ClickFlipping is really just trading pennies for nickels, nickels for dimes, dimes for dollars.
In fact, here’s the ClickFlipping System…
In A NutShell!
Ready? Here it is: “Buy Traffic Cheap… And Then Sell It For Much, Much More”
You see, that’s what the Adsense people don’t understand. They shoot themselves in the foot by selling their traffic for pennies and nickels.
But if you’re ready for Life After Adsense, then I invite you join our private group and begin your new life as a professional ClickFlipper.
Rookies, Newbies & Amateurs Welcome Here
Remember, I taught Julie the ClickFlipping system and she didn’t know anything at all about internet marketing, Adsense or even building a website.
• If you don’t know how to buy traffic on the cheap… don’t worry. We’ll walk you through it
• If you don’t know how to create a website… just relax. We’ll teach you how
• If you don’t know how to pick a market… don’t sweat it. We’ll reveal how to choose a profitable market
• If you don’t know how to sell your traffic for top dollar… fuggettaboutit! We’ll map out exactly what to do and when to do it.
Of course, if you’ve already got some internet marketing experience, consider yourself on the fast track. You’ll be able to skip ahead and find the information you need to make ClickFlipping profitable for you.
Here’s a small sample of what you’re about to discover:
Members Of The Life After Adsense™ Private Group Will Discover…
Why buying your traffic is actually less expensive than trying to find free traffic! (This alone could save you years of pain, suffering… and lost profits)
How to purchase clicks at a mere fraction of what everybody else pays… even if you’re a pay-per-click rookie
Website Optimization Secrets: Little changes that can explode your income
How to legally steal profits from moronic Adsense publishers
How to find “profit pathways” that you can milk for consistent gains, month after month
How to build your first website from scratch… in just one evening
The shocking reason why some people make a fortune from Pay-Per-Click marketing… while others lose their shirts. Here’s how to make sure every penny you spend on advertising comes back to you with a bunch of friends
How to create a five figure monthly income without risking any more than $200 of your own money
Make your traffic work harder! We’ll reveal at least three different ways to sell your traffic and make much, much more money than your typical Adsense junkie
A sneaky trick you can use to negotiate higher payouts for your traffic. Your costs stay the same but your profits increase exponentially!
How to sell your traffic with affiliate marketing: Somebody else does all the work… you get half the profits.
Little-known ways to find profitable Clickbank vendors eager to buy your traffic
How to move up the internet marketing food chain and stop selling your traffic for peanuts!
And much, much more…
Here’s What You’ll Get
Although John, Nana and myself cannot physically drive over to your home, stand over your shoulder and teach you the Life After Adsense strategies, we’ve done the next best thing:
We’ve put together a step-by-step plan that you can follow along with and use to create your own ClickFlipping empire.
This is connect-the-dots. These are the same steps that I taught Julie. She followed the program and now she’s making $15,000 a month.
Now, you’ve got the same opportunity. We’re giving you special Camtasia videos that clearly illustrate everything from registering your first domain name to building Profit Pathways.
Plus the very same spreadsheets, resources and tools I used myself when developing the ClickFlipping system. Not to mention…
A private forum reserved for Life After Adsense members only
Monthly teleconferences where we’ll answer common questions, reveal new strategies and discuss cutting-edge techniques you can use to make your profit pathways even more profitable
New tips, techniques, strategies and advice added every month
Here’s What We Expect From You
If you’re ready to begin your Life After Adsense, there are a few conditions you must agree to:
#1) We will show you exactly what to do. But nobody will do the work for you.
Believe it or not, some people think there’s a “secret trick” to making five figures (or more) a month. We will lay out a crystal clear plan for you to follow. If you’ve got questions, we’ll do our best to answer them as fast as possible. But we’re not going to do the work for you.
#2) The strategies and techniques we discuss in the private Life After Adsense group are considered confidential and you are NOT to share them with anyone outside the group.
If we find out that you are leaking information (and believe me, it’s not hard to find a leak) you will be banned from the group. Period.
I May Have Priced This Too Low…
To be honest, it was tough coming up with a fair price for my exclusive Life After Adsense Private Group.
After all, I’m offering to reveal the same system that earns me over $50,000 a month. The same proven system that earns Julie over $15,000 a month.
And let’s not forget, hundreds of people are paying a thousand dollars up front to be part of my private ClickFlipping coaching group.
On the other hand, I really do want to make this accessible to people just like Julie: People who don’t have thousands of dollars to spend on training but are willing to learn and willing to put the time in so that they too can create profit pathways.
With One Click, Your Membership Pays For Itself…
While Adsense suckers sell their clicks for a few cents, Life After Adsense members will learn how to sell their traffic for much, much more.
For example, many affiliate offers pay $50 bucks (and up) per sale. And many Cost-Per-Action offers pay fifty, seventy… some even up to $180 bucks per lead!
So I decided to keep the price so low that you could literally recoup your investment with just one click.
On that basis, I’ve set the monthly investment for the private Life After Adsense members group at just $49.
You could literally recoup your investment with just one click. Yet this tiny sum opens the door to a proven system that I myself use to earn $50,000 a month.
Start Your Life After Adsense Today
I don’t know how many members we will accept. It all depends on how much work John, Nana and myself can handle. We’re only human.
So this page may not be up for long. Why take the chance? This price is ridiculously cheap… heck even a crappy Adsense ebook will set you back more than fifty bucks.
And if you’re not happy you can cancel your monthly subscription at any time. If you do cancel, we will award your spot to anyone on a waiting list and you will not be allowed to rejoin.
But knowing what we’ve got in store for you, I doubt anyone who’s seriously interested in becoming a professional ClickFlipper will be canceling.
A Glimpse Into The Future
In the next 12 months, you could have hundreds of Profit Pathways set up. Each one quietly humming along, spitting out cash like an ATM. And since you don’t depend on free traffic, you have no fear. You can go out of town and rest easy knowing that each of your Profit Pathways is churning out profits… even while you’re away.
from admin of www.dollarsforum.com
Recently, I set the internet marketing world on fire with my free reports, “The Death Of Adsense” and “Life After Adsense”. But hey, somebody had to speak the truth!
I created this private Life After Adsense group for anybody who’s ready to discover a proven path to online success.
Between the three of us, we’ll lay out a trail of bread crumbs that you can follow to create your own internet empire. I don’t care if you’re a total rookie… I don’t care if you think you have to be a geek to make money on the internet. We’ll break down everything step-by-step and hold you by the hand.
I’ll tell you more about the private group in a minute but first I must ask you…
Would You Trade A $1 Dollar Bill For A $100 Bill?
If I was standing on the corner asking for $1 bills and giving $100 bills in return, I’m willing to bet you’d stand there all day jamming dollar bills into my hands and joyfully pocketing $100 bills in return.
You’ve got a similar opportunity right here. ClickFlipping is really just trading pennies for nickels, nickels for dimes, dimes for dollars.
In fact, here’s the ClickFlipping System…
In A NutShell!
Ready? Here it is: “Buy Traffic Cheap… And Then Sell It For Much, Much More”
You see, that’s what the Adsense people don’t understand. They shoot themselves in the foot by selling their traffic for pennies and nickels.
But if you’re ready for Life After Adsense, then I invite you join our private group and begin your new life as a professional ClickFlipper.
Rookies, Newbies & Amateurs Welcome Here
Remember, I taught Julie the ClickFlipping system and she didn’t know anything at all about internet marketing, Adsense or even building a website.
• If you don’t know how to buy traffic on the cheap… don’t worry. We’ll walk you through it
• If you don’t know how to create a website… just relax. We’ll teach you how
• If you don’t know how to pick a market… don’t sweat it. We’ll reveal how to choose a profitable market
• If you don’t know how to sell your traffic for top dollar… fuggettaboutit! We’ll map out exactly what to do and when to do it.
Of course, if you’ve already got some internet marketing experience, consider yourself on the fast track. You’ll be able to skip ahead and find the information you need to make ClickFlipping profitable for you.
Here’s a small sample of what you’re about to discover:
Members Of The Life After Adsense™ Private Group Will Discover…
Why buying your traffic is actually less expensive than trying to find free traffic! (This alone could save you years of pain, suffering… and lost profits)
How to purchase clicks at a mere fraction of what everybody else pays… even if you’re a pay-per-click rookie
Website Optimization Secrets: Little changes that can explode your income
How to legally steal profits from moronic Adsense publishers
How to find “profit pathways” that you can milk for consistent gains, month after month
How to build your first website from scratch… in just one evening
The shocking reason why some people make a fortune from Pay-Per-Click marketing… while others lose their shirts. Here’s how to make sure every penny you spend on advertising comes back to you with a bunch of friends
How to create a five figure monthly income without risking any more than $200 of your own money
Make your traffic work harder! We’ll reveal at least three different ways to sell your traffic and make much, much more money than your typical Adsense junkie
A sneaky trick you can use to negotiate higher payouts for your traffic. Your costs stay the same but your profits increase exponentially!
How to sell your traffic with affiliate marketing: Somebody else does all the work… you get half the profits.
Little-known ways to find profitable Clickbank vendors eager to buy your traffic
How to move up the internet marketing food chain and stop selling your traffic for peanuts!
And much, much more…
Here’s What You’ll Get
Although John, Nana and myself cannot physically drive over to your home, stand over your shoulder and teach you the Life After Adsense strategies, we’ve done the next best thing:
We’ve put together a step-by-step plan that you can follow along with and use to create your own ClickFlipping empire.
This is connect-the-dots. These are the same steps that I taught Julie. She followed the program and now she’s making $15,000 a month.
Now, you’ve got the same opportunity. We’re giving you special Camtasia videos that clearly illustrate everything from registering your first domain name to building Profit Pathways.
Plus the very same spreadsheets, resources and tools I used myself when developing the ClickFlipping system. Not to mention…
A private forum reserved for Life After Adsense members only
Monthly teleconferences where we’ll answer common questions, reveal new strategies and discuss cutting-edge techniques you can use to make your profit pathways even more profitable
New tips, techniques, strategies and advice added every month
Here’s What We Expect From You
If you’re ready to begin your Life After Adsense, there are a few conditions you must agree to:
#1) We will show you exactly what to do. But nobody will do the work for you.
Believe it or not, some people think there’s a “secret trick” to making five figures (or more) a month. We will lay out a crystal clear plan for you to follow. If you’ve got questions, we’ll do our best to answer them as fast as possible. But we’re not going to do the work for you.
#2) The strategies and techniques we discuss in the private Life After Adsense group are considered confidential and you are NOT to share them with anyone outside the group.
If we find out that you are leaking information (and believe me, it’s not hard to find a leak) you will be banned from the group. Period.
I May Have Priced This Too Low…
To be honest, it was tough coming up with a fair price for my exclusive Life After Adsense Private Group.
After all, I’m offering to reveal the same system that earns me over $50,000 a month. The same proven system that earns Julie over $15,000 a month.
And let’s not forget, hundreds of people are paying a thousand dollars up front to be part of my private ClickFlipping coaching group.
On the other hand, I really do want to make this accessible to people just like Julie: People who don’t have thousands of dollars to spend on training but are willing to learn and willing to put the time in so that they too can create profit pathways.
With One Click, Your Membership Pays For Itself…
While Adsense suckers sell their clicks for a few cents, Life After Adsense members will learn how to sell their traffic for much, much more.
For example, many affiliate offers pay $50 bucks (and up) per sale. And many Cost-Per-Action offers pay fifty, seventy… some even up to $180 bucks per lead!
So I decided to keep the price so low that you could literally recoup your investment with just one click.
On that basis, I’ve set the monthly investment for the private Life After Adsense members group at just $49.
You could literally recoup your investment with just one click. Yet this tiny sum opens the door to a proven system that I myself use to earn $50,000 a month.
Start Your Life After Adsense Today
I don’t know how many members we will accept. It all depends on how much work John, Nana and myself can handle. We’re only human.
So this page may not be up for long. Why take the chance? This price is ridiculously cheap… heck even a crappy Adsense ebook will set you back more than fifty bucks.
And if you’re not happy you can cancel your monthly subscription at any time. If you do cancel, we will award your spot to anyone on a waiting list and you will not be allowed to rejoin.
But knowing what we’ve got in store for you, I doubt anyone who’s seriously interested in becoming a professional ClickFlipper will be canceling.
A Glimpse Into The Future
In the next 12 months, you could have hundreds of Profit Pathways set up. Each one quietly humming along, spitting out cash like an ATM. And since you don’t depend on free traffic, you have no fear. You can go out of town and rest easy knowing that each of your Profit Pathways is churning out profits… even while you’re away.
from admin of www.dollarsforum.com
Strengths of Open Source opposing Microsoft patent threats
Recently, two actions by Microsoft seriously called the attention of the open source community. One is the strange alliance with Novell and another is the unproven statement that GNU/Linux infringes on 235 Microsoft patents. Although the community has the feeling that these actions are outrageous and illegal, it does not know how best to deal with them, since in the U.S. one has to spend much money in order to respond to unfounded statements by anyone, especially when the opponent is very wealthy.I have the impression that open source to challenge it in a justice court is exactly what Microsoft desires, so we should not get into this dangerous and expensive game.Therefore, I propose another game, in which the open source is strong where Microsoft is weak. Let us organize an event, where we place two large tables in a convention room. At the head of one table, one places a server hardware running Windows Server 2007 prepared as a thin client server with well-known applications: MS Office, Adobe suite, Interne Explorer 7, Outlook, for example. At the head of the other table, one places the same server hardware running a GNU/Linux distribution (RedHat or Ubuntu Server) prepared as thin client server with open-source applications such as OpenOffice, the Gimp, Firefox, Evolution etc. Along the tables, as many client PCs as possible are connected as thin clients, so that all sorts of people would run applications on the servers simultaneously, trying to overload the corresponding server with their input. On the wall there will be a projection showing how many applications are open on the server, and how they are loaded, like htop on GNU/Linux, so the surrounding people and journalists can see, and document, the load changes, the memory load, etc. in real time. It would be more fun if external users be allowed to log in to those servers and participate in the effort to use intensively the applications.My contention is that the Windows server can take less load from thin clients because the applications cannot handle many users, while the open source applications are able to handle many simultaneous users without crashing. For this reason, if many users open MS Word on their terminals, the server has to launch many copies of the application thus filling memory and going for the swap space sooner, eventually going to thrashing mode. I remember that this kind of test was done before, but never in public, side by side. This test will be entertaining if the important people of both sides show up, address the public in keynotes, and exchange ideas about the ongoing contest. The objective is to show for all to see how lean and mean GNU/Linux is as compared to Windows, and demonstrate that they are so different that GNU/Linux cannot be infringing so many patents and behave so differently. It is impossible to describe such differences with words, so we need a great, visible show. I guess people would like to buy stuff there, and there would be less waste of time and money than in a courtroom.
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Clip Link
Recently, two actions by Microsoft seriously called the attention of the open source community. One is the strange alliance with Novell and another is the unproven statement that GNU/Linux infringes on 235 Microsoft patents. Although the community has the feeling that these actions are outrageous and illegal, it does not know how best to deal with them, since in the U.S. one has to spend much money in order to respond to unfounded statements by anyone, especially when the opponent is very wealthy.I have the impression that open source to challenge it in a justice court is exactly what Microsoft desires, so we should not get into this dangerous and expensive game.Therefore, I propose another game, in which the open source is strong where Microsoft is weak. Let us organize an event, where we place two large tables in a convention room. At the head of one table, one places a server hardware running Windows Server 2007 prepared as a thin client server with well-known applications: MS Office, Adobe suite, Interne Explorer 7, Outlook, for example. At the head of the other table, one places the same server hardware running a GNU/Linux distribution (RedHat or Ubuntu Server) prepared as thin client server with open-source applications such as OpenOffice, the Gimp, Firefox, Evolution etc. Along the tables, as many client PCs as possible are connected as thin clients, so that all sorts of people would run applications on the servers simultaneously, trying to overload the corresponding server with their input. On the wall there will be a projection showing how many applications are open on the server, and how they are loaded, like htop on GNU/Linux, so the surrounding people and journalists can see, and document, the load changes, the memory load, etc. in real time. It would be more fun if external users be allowed to log in to those servers and participate in the effort to use intensively the applications.My contention is that the Windows server can take less load from thin clients because the applications cannot handle many users, while the open source applications are able to handle many simultaneous users without crashing. For this reason, if many users open MS Word on their terminals, the server has to launch many copies of the application thus filling memory and going for the swap space sooner, eventually going to thrashing mode. I remember that this kind of test was done before, but never in public, side by side. This test will be entertaining if the important people of both sides show up, address the public in keynotes, and exchange ideas about the ongoing contest. The objective is to show for all to see how lean and mean GNU/Linux is as compared to Windows, and demonstrate that they are so different that GNU/Linux cannot be infringing so many patents and behave so differently. It is impossible to describe such differences with words, so we need a great, visible show. I guess people would like to buy stuff there, and there would be less waste of time and money than in a courtroom.
Post a comment
Clip Link
The Wait Is Over
Even though I now make well over $50,000 a month as a professional “Click Flipper”, (Click Here To See Proof) I still recall what it was like when I first started out.
I remember…
Pinning all my hopes on “this month’s guru” hoping that he would finally be the one to teach me how to connect the pieces and earn a fortune online. Guess how that worked out…
Working into the wee hours of the night… but never really knowing with any certainty if all the work I was doing was ever going to pay off. 99% of the time I saw no return for all my efforts…
Wishing somebody would just clear away all the B.S. and show me exactly what steps to take in order to be a successful internet entrepreneur. “Wishing” is never a good strategy…
Luckily, after much trial & error, I finally cracked the code and developed a proven way for anyone to make money online. My ClickFlipping system literally allows anyone to turn pennies into nickels, nickels into dimes and dimes into dollars.
Truth is, I had no plans to tell anyone about my breakthrough discovery. But…
Then She Showed Up
Julie was a corporate recruiter here in Texas. We’d been friends and had been through a lot together.
She stopped by one day and asked what I was up to. So naturally I started to tell her about my ClickFlipping system.
I try not to talk about it too much because I don’t want to send “non-internet people” to snoozeville, but when she found out how much I was making she asked…
“Can You Teach Me?”
At first, I didn’t think it was even possible. I mean she knew nothing… absolutely nothing about making money on the internet. I would literally have to start from ground zero and teach her the basics, like how to register a domain name and set up her first website.
But I realized that if I could teach her, I could help hundreds of other beginning internet marketers. So I accepted the challenge.
I’ll let Julie tell you what happened…
My Story: Confessions Of A Total Rookie
By Julie W. Dallas TX
When I first talked to Scott about making money online, I didn’t know anything about internet marketing. Adwords? Affilates? Adsense? I had no idea about any of this stuff.
But Scott made it easy. He laid out a simple step-by-step plan for me to follow. “Do this… then this… then this….”
It was exactly what I needed. I wanted to get profitable… and fast. I didn’t want to learn 100 different ways to make money online. I just needed someone to take me by the hand and show me one proven system to making money online.
You see, I was sick of the corporate gig. Sick of commuting. And sick of trading my life for a measly paycheck.
Things Are Different Now
I started off slow… turning $200 into $500. And never looked back. During my second month as a full-time ClickFlipper I made $15,494.44… and I gave birth to my first child.
I’m not very aggressive about this. I’m pretty much a part-timer. And I’m still making five-figures a month.
Odds are, anyone interested in internet marketing probably knows much more than I did when I started. So if I can make money as a “rookie ClickFlipper”... you can too.
- Julie W. Dallas TX
The Guru’s Are Lying To You…
I know this is going to piss some people off but I don’t care. It needs to be said.
Many (not all, but quite a few) of the “gurus” out there are lying to you. They are keeping you in the dark… on purpose. And the strategy behind the lies is pathetic.
Here’s the deal:
If you’ve ever bought a system or an e-book from an internet marketing “guru” before, you probably noticed one thing: That is, they only give you a piece of the puzzle.
For example…
• They’ll tell you how to increase your traffic… but not how to properly monetize the traffic. Result: You leave money on the table
• They’ll tell you how increase sales… but not how to get more traffic. Result: You leave more money the table
• They’ll reveal some of their online strategies… but they never tell you all the steps you need to duplicate their success. Result: You end up more confused than ever!
Why don’t they tell you everything? Simple. It’s because as long as you’re still confused…
You’re Forced To Keep Buying Their Stuff!
Think about it this way:
Many of these “gurus” are actually just “map salesman”. They try to sell you “maps” to the promised land. In this case the promised land is the place where you’re actually making a healthy monthly income from your efforts.
If they gave you the complete picture, you’d only need one map. But as long as you’re lost and confused… you’re forced to buy new maps all the time. And every time you buy another map, you’re hoping that this will be the time it all makes sense.
But it never does.
I’m sick of it. And I bet you are too. That’s why…I’m Putting A Stop To All The Confusion. Right Here. Right Now.
Here’s the deal:
I earn over $50,000 a month with my ClickFlipping system. But I needed to see if I could duplicate my success and teach others how to do what I do. Specifically, I needed to find out if I could teach a raw rookie with no internet marketing experience whatsoever how to make money online.
And I did just that when I took Julie W. from zero to over $15,000 a month in just a few short weeks.
Here’s why this matters to you:
If I was the only person making money with ClickFlipping, you could call it a “fluke”. But since I taught ClickFlipping to a raw rookie and now she’s making money too, we’ve got a pattern. A proven, repeatable system that anyone can learn.
Here’s why this is important to you:
ClickFlipping is now a proven system. No, it’s not proven because I say it is. It’s proven because it not only works for me… but for beginners too.
That’s the definition of a proven system: It works no matter who is at the helm.
So not only do we have ClickFlipping, a system proven to transform pennies into nickels, nickels into dimes and dimes into dollars. We’ve also got a proven method to teach this system to beginners.
And now for the first time, I’m officially announcing the grand opening of the…
Life After Adsense™ Private Members Group
Let Me Show You A Proven Step-By-Step Plan You Can Follow To Create Your Own Life As A Professional Click Flipper
This is your opportunity to finally break through all the confusing mis-information and discover a step-by-step plan anyone call follow to create massive internet wealth.
No, it’s not hype. You will have to do some work. Simply put, you will be asked to follow the simple, no-brainer instructions we lay out for you.
If you can do that, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly your income will rise. If you refuse to follow our instructions, this message is not for you.
But if you can follow instructions, then you are in the right place. If you’re ready to forget about all those other pie-in-the-sky programs and focus on a few basic revenue producing activities, then welcome aboard.
Because we’re NOT going to overwhelm you with a thousand different hypothetical ideas. Instead, we’ll focus on teaching you proven methods that you can use to start making money NOW.
Before we go any deeper, let me introduce you too…
Your Partners In Profit: It’s Our Job To Make Sure You Succeed!
I expect demand for this private group to be overwhelming. So I handpicked two partners to help me teach the Life After Adsense strategies to the group.
from www.dollarsforum.com
Even though I now make well over $50,000 a month as a professional “Click Flipper”, (Click Here To See Proof) I still recall what it was like when I first started out.
I remember…
Pinning all my hopes on “this month’s guru” hoping that he would finally be the one to teach me how to connect the pieces and earn a fortune online. Guess how that worked out…
Working into the wee hours of the night… but never really knowing with any certainty if all the work I was doing was ever going to pay off. 99% of the time I saw no return for all my efforts…
Wishing somebody would just clear away all the B.S. and show me exactly what steps to take in order to be a successful internet entrepreneur. “Wishing” is never a good strategy…
Luckily, after much trial & error, I finally cracked the code and developed a proven way for anyone to make money online. My ClickFlipping system literally allows anyone to turn pennies into nickels, nickels into dimes and dimes into dollars.
Truth is, I had no plans to tell anyone about my breakthrough discovery. But…
Then She Showed Up
Julie was a corporate recruiter here in Texas. We’d been friends and had been through a lot together.
She stopped by one day and asked what I was up to. So naturally I started to tell her about my ClickFlipping system.
I try not to talk about it too much because I don’t want to send “non-internet people” to snoozeville, but when she found out how much I was making she asked…
“Can You Teach Me?”
At first, I didn’t think it was even possible. I mean she knew nothing… absolutely nothing about making money on the internet. I would literally have to start from ground zero and teach her the basics, like how to register a domain name and set up her first website.
But I realized that if I could teach her, I could help hundreds of other beginning internet marketers. So I accepted the challenge.
I’ll let Julie tell you what happened…
My Story: Confessions Of A Total Rookie
By Julie W. Dallas TX
When I first talked to Scott about making money online, I didn’t know anything about internet marketing. Adwords? Affilates? Adsense? I had no idea about any of this stuff.
But Scott made it easy. He laid out a simple step-by-step plan for me to follow. “Do this… then this… then this….”
It was exactly what I needed. I wanted to get profitable… and fast. I didn’t want to learn 100 different ways to make money online. I just needed someone to take me by the hand and show me one proven system to making money online.
You see, I was sick of the corporate gig. Sick of commuting. And sick of trading my life for a measly paycheck.
Things Are Different Now
I started off slow… turning $200 into $500. And never looked back. During my second month as a full-time ClickFlipper I made $15,494.44… and I gave birth to my first child.
I’m not very aggressive about this. I’m pretty much a part-timer. And I’m still making five-figures a month.
Odds are, anyone interested in internet marketing probably knows much more than I did when I started. So if I can make money as a “rookie ClickFlipper”... you can too.
- Julie W. Dallas TX
The Guru’s Are Lying To You…
I know this is going to piss some people off but I don’t care. It needs to be said.
Many (not all, but quite a few) of the “gurus” out there are lying to you. They are keeping you in the dark… on purpose. And the strategy behind the lies is pathetic.
Here’s the deal:
If you’ve ever bought a system or an e-book from an internet marketing “guru” before, you probably noticed one thing: That is, they only give you a piece of the puzzle.
For example…
• They’ll tell you how to increase your traffic… but not how to properly monetize the traffic. Result: You leave money on the table
• They’ll tell you how increase sales… but not how to get more traffic. Result: You leave more money the table
• They’ll reveal some of their online strategies… but they never tell you all the steps you need to duplicate their success. Result: You end up more confused than ever!
Why don’t they tell you everything? Simple. It’s because as long as you’re still confused…
You’re Forced To Keep Buying Their Stuff!
Think about it this way:
Many of these “gurus” are actually just “map salesman”. They try to sell you “maps” to the promised land. In this case the promised land is the place where you’re actually making a healthy monthly income from your efforts.
If they gave you the complete picture, you’d only need one map. But as long as you’re lost and confused… you’re forced to buy new maps all the time. And every time you buy another map, you’re hoping that this will be the time it all makes sense.
But it never does.
I’m sick of it. And I bet you are too. That’s why…I’m Putting A Stop To All The Confusion. Right Here. Right Now.
Here’s the deal:
I earn over $50,000 a month with my ClickFlipping system. But I needed to see if I could duplicate my success and teach others how to do what I do. Specifically, I needed to find out if I could teach a raw rookie with no internet marketing experience whatsoever how to make money online.
And I did just that when I took Julie W. from zero to over $15,000 a month in just a few short weeks.
Here’s why this matters to you:
If I was the only person making money with ClickFlipping, you could call it a “fluke”. But since I taught ClickFlipping to a raw rookie and now she’s making money too, we’ve got a pattern. A proven, repeatable system that anyone can learn.
Here’s why this is important to you:
ClickFlipping is now a proven system. No, it’s not proven because I say it is. It’s proven because it not only works for me… but for beginners too.
That’s the definition of a proven system: It works no matter who is at the helm.
So not only do we have ClickFlipping, a system proven to transform pennies into nickels, nickels into dimes and dimes into dollars. We’ve also got a proven method to teach this system to beginners.
And now for the first time, I’m officially announcing the grand opening of the…
Life After Adsense™ Private Members Group
Let Me Show You A Proven Step-By-Step Plan You Can Follow To Create Your Own Life As A Professional Click Flipper
This is your opportunity to finally break through all the confusing mis-information and discover a step-by-step plan anyone call follow to create massive internet wealth.
No, it’s not hype. You will have to do some work. Simply put, you will be asked to follow the simple, no-brainer instructions we lay out for you.
If you can do that, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly your income will rise. If you refuse to follow our instructions, this message is not for you.
But if you can follow instructions, then you are in the right place. If you’re ready to forget about all those other pie-in-the-sky programs and focus on a few basic revenue producing activities, then welcome aboard.
Because we’re NOT going to overwhelm you with a thousand different hypothetical ideas. Instead, we’ll focus on teaching you proven methods that you can use to start making money NOW.
Before we go any deeper, let me introduce you too…
Your Partners In Profit: It’s Our Job To Make Sure You Succeed!
I expect demand for this private group to be overwhelming. So I handpicked two partners to help me teach the Life After Adsense strategies to the group.
from www.dollarsforum.com
Using your Content Managed website for Google Adsense advertsGoogle Adsense allows you to place context-sensitive advertising on your website. Google Adsense are adverts that automatically adjust to the content of your web page.
To our way of thinking they are the very best (or least worst) type of internet advertising, Google Adsense adverts are simple text or graphical adverts which are relevant to the content of the web page you are looking at.
An example of Adsense context-sensitive adverts
An exampleLet's imagine you have a page about your favourite car. The Google Adsense adverts showing on that page will relate to the content of that specific page. So it may show Adsense adverts from companies selling car insurance, or accessories or perhaps new cars.
The advertisers pay Google every time someone clicks on their advert, regardless of whether they make a sale. If someone clicks on an adsense advert showing on one of your web pages, you take a slice of the revenue.
The good news is that you don't have to lift a finger. The adverts are delivered automatically by Google right into your web page. Google takes a snapshot of your web pages every couple of days, and Google chooses the adverts depending on the content of Google's snapshot (cached page).
How much do you have to pay Google?Nothing. Simple. It's free. Just sign up with Google Adsense and after Google have reviewed the content of your website to make sure it fits within their guidelines, you can be up and running in a few days.
What's the best way to make money from Google Adsense?Just get people to your site by providing interesting, accurate and relevant information. Make the content of each web page showing Google Adsense adverts as specific as possible, that way the advertising will be clearly targetted and you will achieve more "click throughs", each click through generates income for you.
How much do I get when someone clicks on an advert?That all depends on the content of your web page. When companies want to show their adverts on Google and Google's content network (which includes your website), they bid for keywords and key phrases. Some keywords are cheap because no one wants them. A company can show their advert on Google for only 5p a click if they choose to show it on web pages discussing "hippopotami". But how many people sell hippopotami?
Choosing a subject such as mortgages or pensions, and many others, can result in an income of several pounds every time someone clicks on a Google Adsense advert.
Are all websites suitable for Google Adsense adverts?No. There are a lot of things that will prevent Google from "crawling" your web pages. If Google cannot crawl your pages Adsense will show public service adverts (PSA), for which you will not get paid. Some of the things that make a website unsuitable for Adsense are:
Frames or Iframes (inline frames) Database driven content Javascript links Text generated by javascript Flash - Google cannot read the text if it is rendered in Macromedia Flash Text rendered as graphics URLs with querystringsHow can I maintain my website content quickly and be sure my website is compatible with Google Adsense?That's where we come in. 123Live is simply a very, very easy way to edit and publish your website using just Internet Explorer. And it published your web pages as bog-standard, regular HTML that is fully compatible with Google Adsense. This also means that your website will be quick to load and be a joy for your users to navigate
Friday 5 January 2007, 10:33 AM
Experts Exchange and Paid SubscriptionsPosted by topazg
Well, having eaten all the pies and drunk all the wine, I guess Christmas / New Year is well and truly over - as always, it was fun whilst it lasted.
Anyway, back to techie things, I've noticed that Experts Exchange is beta testing a new skin / site layout. On the whole, besides the now well known desire to "glassify" everything, I actually really like the improvements. It seems the pages load a bit slower which is disappointing, but there is more information on offer and it is presented cleanly and easy enough to find your way around.
However, I do notice to my amusement a whole section on gaming. Not many questions in there yet, but I wonder if it will be possible to be labelled a bone-fide MMORPG Guru by Expert Certification. Wouldn't that look good on a CV!
Anyway, light heartedness aside, I noticed Amazon users have reviewed the site (I thought they just reviewed stuff Amazon sold ??) and have given it an enormous drilling for being so "money-orientated". What is it with the modern internet culture that people just think everything should be free? I had a quick go on answering some questions the other day and picked up 2600 points in the day -- that's some 25% the way to a full membership, thus giving me full access for free. If you don't know enough to contribute, you need to support the service in some way, and I can't see why that is unreasonable. Server space is not free, bandwidth is not free, staff moderation time is not free, so why should the service be?
I have built (with a colleague) a turn-based Go site (http://www.online-go.com) which is encountering the same problem. It's great fun to write, fun to play on, great community building up, but it is beginning to be quite a financial strain. The only option is to have memberships (with obvious bonus perks) to support the running of the site - I'd love to offer it for free but my hosts don't want to offer it to me for free, so what do I do?
Personally, I'd rather pay for a service than use it for free and be bombarded with "Free Smilies" and "You are the 1,000,000 visitor" ads, and other wildly annoying popups (even from corporations like IBM?!) that often get plastered everywhere.
For example, I really enjoy ZDNet.co.uk, but as I write I have a "sponsored link" advertised below to "100% Free Gay Teen Dating" (http://www.boy18.co.uk - probably NSFW, I didn't check) -- I have nothing against Gay Teen Dating but why is that next to a tech blog on a tech site? Where exactly is the relevance?
Anyway, am I the only one that feels that users should be prepared for those services that we find to be useful?
“It Was A Busy Month For This Rookie ClickFlipper: I Gave Birth To My First Child… And Made $15,459.44”– Julie W. Dallas TX
UPDATE: “I didn’t work much during the next month either (a screaming newborn saps your energy)…but my income swelled to $17,756.34”
(Dateline: Addison, Texas)A Personal Message From Scott “Nada-Guru” Boulch
You’re about to discover one of the best kept secrets on the internet:
I call it, “Life After Adsense”.
While most rookies would kill to make a couple hundred bucks with Adsense, there are scores of every day people (just like you) quietly earning five-figure monthly incomes.
And today, for the first time ever, I’m going to reveal how even a raw rookie can break free from the swamp of promotional B.S. and actually start making real money from your online efforts.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a “techie” who just needs some direction or a rookie who doesn’t know anything at all about internet marketing.
You’re in the right place.
The emails are pouring in. And everybody’s asking the same question…
from admin dollarsforum.com
To our way of thinking they are the very best (or least worst) type of internet advertising, Google Adsense adverts are simple text or graphical adverts which are relevant to the content of the web page you are looking at.
An example of Adsense context-sensitive adverts
An exampleLet's imagine you have a page about your favourite car. The Google Adsense adverts showing on that page will relate to the content of that specific page. So it may show Adsense adverts from companies selling car insurance, or accessories or perhaps new cars.
The advertisers pay Google every time someone clicks on their advert, regardless of whether they make a sale. If someone clicks on an adsense advert showing on one of your web pages, you take a slice of the revenue.
The good news is that you don't have to lift a finger. The adverts are delivered automatically by Google right into your web page. Google takes a snapshot of your web pages every couple of days, and Google chooses the adverts depending on the content of Google's snapshot (cached page).
How much do you have to pay Google?Nothing. Simple. It's free. Just sign up with Google Adsense and after Google have reviewed the content of your website to make sure it fits within their guidelines, you can be up and running in a few days.
What's the best way to make money from Google Adsense?Just get people to your site by providing interesting, accurate and relevant information. Make the content of each web page showing Google Adsense adverts as specific as possible, that way the advertising will be clearly targetted and you will achieve more "click throughs", each click through generates income for you.
How much do I get when someone clicks on an advert?That all depends on the content of your web page. When companies want to show their adverts on Google and Google's content network (which includes your website), they bid for keywords and key phrases. Some keywords are cheap because no one wants them. A company can show their advert on Google for only 5p a click if they choose to show it on web pages discussing "hippopotami". But how many people sell hippopotami?
Choosing a subject such as mortgages or pensions, and many others, can result in an income of several pounds every time someone clicks on a Google Adsense advert.
Are all websites suitable for Google Adsense adverts?No. There are a lot of things that will prevent Google from "crawling" your web pages. If Google cannot crawl your pages Adsense will show public service adverts (PSA), for which you will not get paid. Some of the things that make a website unsuitable for Adsense are:
Frames or Iframes (inline frames) Database driven content Javascript links Text generated by javascript Flash - Google cannot read the text if it is rendered in Macromedia Flash Text rendered as graphics URLs with querystringsHow can I maintain my website content quickly and be sure my website is compatible with Google Adsense?That's where we come in. 123Live is simply a very, very easy way to edit and publish your website using just Internet Explorer. And it published your web pages as bog-standard, regular HTML that is fully compatible with Google Adsense. This also means that your website will be quick to load and be a joy for your users to navigate
Friday 5 January 2007, 10:33 AM
Experts Exchange and Paid SubscriptionsPosted by topazg
Well, having eaten all the pies and drunk all the wine, I guess Christmas / New Year is well and truly over - as always, it was fun whilst it lasted.
Anyway, back to techie things, I've noticed that Experts Exchange is beta testing a new skin / site layout. On the whole, besides the now well known desire to "glassify" everything, I actually really like the improvements. It seems the pages load a bit slower which is disappointing, but there is more information on offer and it is presented cleanly and easy enough to find your way around.
However, I do notice to my amusement a whole section on gaming. Not many questions in there yet, but I wonder if it will be possible to be labelled a bone-fide MMORPG Guru by Expert Certification. Wouldn't that look good on a CV!
Anyway, light heartedness aside, I noticed Amazon users have reviewed the site (I thought they just reviewed stuff Amazon sold ??) and have given it an enormous drilling for being so "money-orientated". What is it with the modern internet culture that people just think everything should be free? I had a quick go on answering some questions the other day and picked up 2600 points in the day -- that's some 25% the way to a full membership, thus giving me full access for free. If you don't know enough to contribute, you need to support the service in some way, and I can't see why that is unreasonable. Server space is not free, bandwidth is not free, staff moderation time is not free, so why should the service be?
I have built (with a colleague) a turn-based Go site (http://www.online-go.com) which is encountering the same problem. It's great fun to write, fun to play on, great community building up, but it is beginning to be quite a financial strain. The only option is to have memberships (with obvious bonus perks) to support the running of the site - I'd love to offer it for free but my hosts don't want to offer it to me for free, so what do I do?
Personally, I'd rather pay for a service than use it for free and be bombarded with "Free Smilies" and "You are the 1,000,000 visitor" ads, and other wildly annoying popups (even from corporations like IBM?!) that often get plastered everywhere.
For example, I really enjoy ZDNet.co.uk, but as I write I have a "sponsored link" advertised below to "100% Free Gay Teen Dating" (http://www.boy18.co.uk - probably NSFW, I didn't check) -- I have nothing against Gay Teen Dating but why is that next to a tech blog on a tech site? Where exactly is the relevance?
Anyway, am I the only one that feels that users should be prepared for those services that we find to be useful?
“It Was A Busy Month For This Rookie ClickFlipper: I Gave Birth To My First Child… And Made $15,459.44”– Julie W. Dallas TX
UPDATE: “I didn’t work much during the next month either (a screaming newborn saps your energy)…but my income swelled to $17,756.34”
(Dateline: Addison, Texas)A Personal Message From Scott “Nada-Guru” Boulch
You’re about to discover one of the best kept secrets on the internet:
I call it, “Life After Adsense”.
While most rookies would kill to make a couple hundred bucks with Adsense, there are scores of every day people (just like you) quietly earning five-figure monthly incomes.
And today, for the first time ever, I’m going to reveal how even a raw rookie can break free from the swamp of promotional B.S. and actually start making real money from your online efforts.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a “techie” who just needs some direction or a rookie who doesn’t know anything at all about internet marketing.
You’re in the right place.
The emails are pouring in. And everybody’s asking the same question…
from admin dollarsforum.com
Dear client,
I welcome you for taking a bold step to request for this information. You saw the advert from Success Digest Extra , title THE 12 LATEST MOST, LUCRATIVE INTERNET BUSINESSES THE ENTIRE NET IS TALKING ABOUT INCOME GENERATOR” That Can Make You Wealthy". I also want congratulate you for reading Success Digest Extra Magazine and we encourage you to continue reading it while introducing your friends and love you to always read this magic changing paper because it is will change your life for good.
I am going to show you the most EXCITING 12 INCOME-GENERATOR On
The NET!! "It really WORKS like MAGIC..."
“It is very simple you can make $520- $5,500 per month just with N3400 ($20) start up capital either with hyips, auto surf, randomizer, MLM, almighty Survey, data entry, get paid to read mail, click bank, google adword/adsense without having to sell anything to any body” Aniefiok Ukang
Infact, I have just introduced it to some EFCC staff that came to my office to find out how I making money on the internet. They where all surprised to discover that any body can stay at home with computer and start making real dollars on the internet businesses. Yes, it is so lucrative and it’s legally approved
"God gave us the internet that whosoever understand the internet would not die of poverty but shall make a living online 24 hours days , 7 days a week, 365 days a year throughout his or her days in this planet". Aniefiok Ukang(CSP)2005 on his book "The Online Investment Guide
Sorry oh, I was beginning to get carried away, let me introduce my humble self, my name is Aniefiok Ukang(CSP) (A trusted and A noted name on the Internet business in Nigeria . A member of Information Partner Group, A member of National Association of Nigeria Public Speaker, A member of International Association of Webmasters. The CEO: Global Web Gold Agency). The owner of one of the top forums, Author of one the hottest e-books on the Internet title “The 12 Latest Most Lucrative Internet Businesses The Entire Net is Talking About Income Generator That Can Make You Wealthy
I'm going to reveal how I make over $10,000 in a year...and how you can possibly do the same. This will change the lives of thousand of Nigerians and African people who are ready to start
online business or add more income to their pocket.
Would $10,000 in a year can change your life? Do only movie stars/footballers and CEO's make that? It's certainly not the kind of money your average person can makes but with the help
of the internet, it is now possible for an average person like me and you to earn this a mount of money and I have earned this money without going through any stress.
Well, I made more money last year than many, many actors, Footballer’s, CEO's and professional athletes whose names you'd know. You CAN make real money on the internet. In fact,
you can make even more than a movie star, footballers etc Yes I earn real dollars on the internet with just a little information And now, I'd like to take you by the hand and give you an opportunity to do the same.
Why am I giving this information away?
I finally got so sick and tired of watching so called Internet Gurus, fakers and bigmouths selling wrong information about how to make a fortune online...and most of them are not earning
even a dime on the internet selling e-book, After noticing this seriously and I got tire of a lots of complains by friends and customers, I quickly thought of getting them something that
can guide them to easily start net business without failing victim of buying useless information that can not help them to start online business. I’ve now decided to give away my awesome
Practical Internet Business Training Secret, so I can help every one who is willing to finally get the truth and start online business can do so And I have listed there the step by step on how to start it. “The 12 Latest Most Lucrative Internet Businesses The Entire Net is Talking About Income Generator That Can Make You Wealthy about which I’m operating right away in my home are on your way and you're only a step away from it.
See... I’ve made a fortune online and I’ve helped over 10.000 Nigerians, Africans customers to unlock the secrets to getting started online. And now it is your turn to succeed? Is it your turn to start making money on the internet even though you have been on the net business without making enough money as you expected this information also is meant for you.
Would an extra $5,00, $1,000 or $5,000 a month change your life...of course it would. As my life was transformed when I took the positive steps.
Well, “The 12 Latest Most Lucrative Internet Businesses The Entire Net is Talking About Income Generator That Can Make You Wealthy package is designed just for the Purpose of helping you to start making real dollars on the net without been deceived. It is simply if you take the urgent step to order the package. I will even help to do it for you to start this net business today. And all the help you are needed I will personally give it to you and I will help to guide you and show you how to do it without living you one hand.
What contend in the package for me?
Do you want to be one of the 1000 people I’m willing to help start making money within 3 days from today? Yes, I really meant it. I am personally showing exactly how to start making real money from hyips, auto surf, randomizer, MLM, almighty Survey, data entry, get paid to read mail, click bank, google adword /adsense without having to sell anything to any body. And I know you will learn about the biggest opportunity that will end poverty in your life and in your family. It's out there...you probably know someone doing it. You are the next success story.
Taking the life changing step is the progressiveness to the top. I'm willing to tell you what the gurus are hiding a way from you. The package is really been one of the most talk about Internet businesses that you can start immediately after reading the info.
It's going to amaze you of how I make $120 dollars everyday on the HYIPS programs, for auto surf , I ‘m earning $50 from data entry, and mlm, while for Almighty survey, I earning over $143 in 5 hour and it’s daily income. and your success in the year 2007 is Totally Guaranteed. You will see how to know if a company is register or not, how to get your hyips investment in register company/secure firm. 3 years a go I was on the net conference on Hyips programs and I thank God for making it possible for me to be part of that programs. At the programs, I was told how to invest in a register hyips and how to know if the hyips register for a months or a year license. This package has all the details.
You will also see 30 hyips registered company to invest your money if you want to settle for investment and they will pay up 3% to 7% daily and weekly with insurance on your money invests. I will personally guide you to invest $30 on the hyips and earn $90 weekly from hyips
Almighty Survey is one of the most lucrative Internet business that if you really serious, you could be earn a minimum of $2500 or more dollars every months just like I’m earning. Think of it, if you earn $70 - $100 daily as a beginner from survey, multiply it within a month time, see you have earned over $2500 a months and it is very easy to do. I will even give you a credit card to use in doing your survey that will cost you only $5 and over $150 is in the card. Yes I mean it.
I have also taken time to explain step by step to start earning money on google programs like google adword and adsense,also paydotcom, agloco the top New Bill gate biz, click bank etc. My secret with google programs has earn me a residual income. That I I’m earning over $2945 monthly from google. I have just collected my last months check of $2945 waiting to be clear in the bank. I will also show you how to easily get your first check from google. Though you will not earn like me for the first 2 months but as times goes you ill even earn move than me.
More over I have also taken time to list step by step guide on how you can to open your personal Paypal A/c for free and confirm/verified.And also show you how you can open your personal USA Bank A/C in 3 days for free without paying a dime for it.
You will also discover so many information on how to guide and protect your paypal a/c, fund you’re a/c, withdraw your money in Nigeria , fund your USA Bank A/C , and even link your USA bank a/c with your Nigeria Bank a/c. See my paypal account has been working since 2003 anduptil now my account is still active and I have done a lots of transaction with my account and I will show you for free how to open, confirm/ verify your paypal account and I will aso show you how to fund, protect and transfer money to e-godl or from e-gold to paypal account. Very easily.
Ramdomizer programs earn me $312 every months and the best part is you can invest only $10 to $22 and earn $260 monthly without investing any dime again. It is a life time income which keep coming as long as the programs is online. I earn my first $830 dollars from this programs in 2003 with my paypal account. But with E-gold now, you can start this business very easily with $10 and within 7 days you have earn $80. is reliable biz for any beginner and even gurus are massively investing on this business and all this information is on this package with many more information.
And much much much more that I cannot exhaust in this report. Only being in possession of this package can convince you of its work. I have also put everything step by step on how to do it
without paying anybody to do it for you. The taste of the pudding is in the eating!
This is one-time opportunity for you to acquire this amazing moneymaking skill that will totally transform your finances for life. Plus also opportunity to get paypal, US a/c and Start net business almost immediately. It’s very easy to get started right away when you know to do it.
I’m offering you the opportunity to let me guide you exactly, step by step through the easiest, most lucrative, most dynamic and most profitable method to generating massive amount of money on the internet business of your own. I am offering you the opportunity to take advantage of my perfected process that will help you generate serious profit in just weeks or months and years.
There’s no reason why you shouldn’t take advantage of what I’ve done to save you time and money. Infact, It is the secret that might just make you a ton of money by letting you use my proven method to make your money online. This is perfectly legitimate, brilliant yet easy map to enormous tap into the Internet wealth and you all what it’s taking to start net biz to day.
But how much does the package cost and how I can get it, you may be wondering by now. Imagine I have seen an e-book on HYIPS selling N10, 000, while google adward and adsense are selling for N6500 , and Paypal account guide selling for N5000 and US Bank account selling for N6500. etc, if you add above a mount of amount is up to N30,000 or so and yet you will still not have the correct information to get you start. Can you now suggest How Much for this package that has the detail of all the information above?
I will tell you. But first, let me ask you - how much can you afford to give for the type of information, which are outlined above. N= 30,000.00?; N= 50,000.00?; N= 100,000.00? or more? Well, that's good. People have paid far more than that learning the Internet the hard way And get above information. But since my aim is to encourage you to get Online so that Nigerians will be well represented on the Internet, I'm giving the package to you at a token fee of N=9,500. ($75)
But if you can pay within your first 7 days of receiving this information I will give it to you at the cost of N7000 Only for E-package while N10, 000 for Postal Package. But after 7 days of you receiving this information the price for this package remain N9, 500 for E-package while is N13500 Postal- package.
NB: For home delivery/ Postal package, please add N1000 for Courier Charges. But E-package no delivery cost.
And after confirmation in the Bank your package: THE 12 LATEST MOST, LUCRATIVE INTERNET BUSINESSES THE ENTIRE NET IS TALKING ABOUT INCOME GENERATOR” That Can Make You Wealthy will delivered to you anywhere in Nigeria but you must hurry before the price changes, as it is sure to do so.
To get your own package, take the following steps:
Step (1) paid $45 to e-gold account: Aniefiok Ufot Ukang , E-gold No: 2743407
Pay N= 7000.00 for E-package while for Postal Package N11,000 send an email to: aniefiokukang@yahoo.com
Alternatively pay into my any branch of United Bank For Africa
(UBA/STB) Account Name: Aniefiok Ufot Ukang
Account Number: 00180520061658
Step (2) Send me an e-mail with “PAYMENT NOTIFICATION” as subject containing the following information; Name, Address, Phone number, Date of receiving FREE REPORT, date of payments, Amount paid, bank and branch paid in, deposit slip number, and any relevant information and incase of option(1) Send e-gold batch no and the date of payment.
As soon as your payments are confirmed, we will dispatch your package and inform you via e-mail. aniefiokukang@yahoo.com
If after receiving the Package/E-Package you are dissatisfied with it for any reason, you can return it for a full refund of your money. But, before then, you have to notify us within by a week of receiving the book, which in your own case, is assumed to be three weeks after dispatching your package. Again, you have to ensure that the book gets to us not later than two weeks after your e-mail notification.
More over, you have 3 months free consultancy on any Internet Business of your choice and You can even book appointment with me in your state all for free.
Paid within 3 days from to day , you will be put in our coming Online conference for free while others are paying N4000 ($25)Yours is free. Conference is coming up 3 days from now.
It is my sincere desire to help you claim your own share of the Internet wealth and I am dutifully standing by to receive your payment notifications in less than 14 days from
now. Your PACKAGE and the bonuses are already waiting to be delivered to you.
Sir, Any thing that many be your problems as you order this package , I will personally guide you to start your internet business and you will start making money within 7 days. I assure you. Call me now on phone so that we can talk on phone. But I will like you to go through below information and see things for your self. It is truly incredible any body can start business on internet and i promise you that you will not regret for buying this package and also getting in touch with me. I will give you every assists either to invest, start net biz, start survey, start hyips, Open of US Bank A/c and Paypal A/c or to start any of the 12 latest internet business the entire net is talking about Income generator. i will hold you by my hand and show you step by step on how to do any of this and all this information is on this package but if after going through it you still want me to help you that i will do it free for you if you order this package within 14 days of receiving this information
Bonus Bonus Bonus
Free 4 e-books latest net biz that worth $370
Free to join our 7 days online conference, if you order with 7 days from to day. While others are paying N3000 your is free.
Free 3 months consultancy (either you booked appointment with us one on one any where in Nigeria) and even outside the country.
SEE TESTIMONIAL of those who order this package recently
My name is Isaac Onyije, I want to sincerely thank you for introducing me to this line of Business and your package as regard to this online of business stuff worth more. Have open up my
eyes on the net business. Especially the hyips, and auto surf. Thanks for sharing this wonderful information to me. I have also earn $230 in my first 3 weeks through your information on
hyips while earning $430 on Survey. I have also follow the information to open my paypal a/c and have confirm the account within 2 days.Thanks and God bless you.
William John
In the next few days that I started this business. I have earn $120 and I’m waiting to withdraw and I have just open my paypal through your step by step guide. And it has been verified.
Sir, I want to know how to transfer my money from my paypal to US bank. Please try and help me with this information. I really Thanks you for all the effort you have been putting for me to open and verified my paypal account. Your package worth thousand of dollars.
From Anietie Robert,
Calabar, Cross River State
Dear Mr. Aniefiok,
This was fantastic, timely information and mind blowing. A well
organized e-book, which explain everything in details. This e-
book cannot be forgotten.
Mr. Oyenekana Ibukun
Accountant (UBA)
Hello Mr. Aniefiok,
I’m so glad I have started making little money from this
Internet investment biz. The information I got from this e-book
has propelled me to another level of financial breakthrough.
After searching good business for 3 years on the net , God has finally used you to change my life. It’s a great dawn for any body that ordered this e-book./package
I.C. Johnson
Teacher ( Lagos ).
Dear Aniefiok,
I think its quite interesting and unbelievable opportunity for
such open doors can still be found here in this country
Nigeria . I commend you for your efforts. I still hope to do
business with you. Thanks God Bless.
Mr. Apola William
CEO: M&M Construction
Rivers State
Hello Aniefiok Ukang (CSP),
The exposition is simply unbelievable. It has offered me a rare
gold mine, which I will surely tap from. I wish I had known
these years back. God will reward you for sharing this knowledge secret with hiding to us through this e-book.
Bar. Akinola E.
Dear Aniefiok,
This is one of those business opportunities, which I have been
expecting/searching for and I even loss over N77,000. But God
has done it today in my life through you. It is a grateful
thing to come across. I earned my first money of $230 in two
weeks. Thanks be to God Almighty and more grace to you for more
valuable information.
Edet John
In the next few days that I started this business. I have earn $120 and I’m waiting to withdraw and I have just open my paypal through your step by step guide. And it has been verified.
Sir, I want to know how to transfer my money from my paypal to US bank. Please try and help me with this information. I really Thanks you for all the effort you have been putting for me to open and verified my paypal account. Your package worth thousand of dollars.
From Anietie Robert,
Calabar, Cross River State .
Imagine you investing just =N=5000 or more on a business that guarantees you regular income of between =N=50,000 and =N=500,000 every month irrespective of where you live in Nigeria as long as there is a cyber café in your area, after getting this wonderful life changing package, you will start making that real money on the internet and you will surely send in your success story for me to show it to others.
Take Action Now to order this package before the 7 days expire, remember after the 7 days the price remain N9500 and the price may change at any time as we out to do so soon if you order now pay N7000 for e-package while
P.S: if you are finding it difficult making up your mind about my offer, let me ask you this question, "for how long will you ignore the Internet knowledge? The longer you do, the further away you are
going from civilization. Act now!
I have just commenced publishing one of the top forums on the internet which you can get registered at http://www.dollarsforum.com. This is a place where top net marketer share ideas that can make you master and start making real money on the Internet. It features wonderful articles, discussion, tips, tricks, testimonials question and answered questions in addition to
revelations that will fully equip you over time. Get registered at http://www.dollarsforum.com
Remember this every issue of forum missed is a treasure caste into the ocean. Many are paying for it, but for you it’s FREE, at least for Saying thanks for readying this newsletter now
Aniefiok Ukang(CSP) ( Internet Consultant )
Global Web Gold Agency
+234 8036382314, +2348077702194
I welcome you for taking a bold step to request for this information. You saw the advert from Success Digest Extra , title THE 12 LATEST MOST, LUCRATIVE INTERNET BUSINESSES THE ENTIRE NET IS TALKING ABOUT INCOME GENERATOR” That Can Make You Wealthy". I also want congratulate you for reading Success Digest Extra Magazine and we encourage you to continue reading it while introducing your friends and love you to always read this magic changing paper because it is will change your life for good.
I am going to show you the most EXCITING 12 INCOME-GENERATOR On
The NET!! "It really WORKS like MAGIC..."
“It is very simple you can make $520- $5,500 per month just with N3400 ($20) start up capital either with hyips, auto surf, randomizer, MLM, almighty Survey, data entry, get paid to read mail, click bank, google adword/adsense without having to sell anything to any body” Aniefiok Ukang
Infact, I have just introduced it to some EFCC staff that came to my office to find out how I making money on the internet. They where all surprised to discover that any body can stay at home with computer and start making real dollars on the internet businesses. Yes, it is so lucrative and it’s legally approved
"God gave us the internet that whosoever understand the internet would not die of poverty but shall make a living online 24 hours days , 7 days a week, 365 days a year throughout his or her days in this planet". Aniefiok Ukang(CSP)2005 on his book "The Online Investment Guide
Sorry oh, I was beginning to get carried away, let me introduce my humble self, my name is Aniefiok Ukang(CSP) (A trusted and A noted name on the Internet business in Nigeria . A member of Information Partner Group, A member of National Association of Nigeria Public Speaker, A member of International Association of Webmasters. The CEO: Global Web Gold Agency). The owner of one of the top forums, Author of one the hottest e-books on the Internet title “The 12 Latest Most Lucrative Internet Businesses The Entire Net is Talking About Income Generator That Can Make You Wealthy
I'm going to reveal how I make over $10,000 in a year...and how you can possibly do the same. This will change the lives of thousand of Nigerians and African people who are ready to start
online business or add more income to their pocket.
Would $10,000 in a year can change your life? Do only movie stars/footballers and CEO's make that? It's certainly not the kind of money your average person can makes but with the help
of the internet, it is now possible for an average person like me and you to earn this a mount of money and I have earned this money without going through any stress.
Well, I made more money last year than many, many actors, Footballer’s, CEO's and professional athletes whose names you'd know. You CAN make real money on the internet. In fact,
you can make even more than a movie star, footballers etc Yes I earn real dollars on the internet with just a little information And now, I'd like to take you by the hand and give you an opportunity to do the same.
Why am I giving this information away?
I finally got so sick and tired of watching so called Internet Gurus, fakers and bigmouths selling wrong information about how to make a fortune online...and most of them are not earning
even a dime on the internet selling e-book, After noticing this seriously and I got tire of a lots of complains by friends and customers, I quickly thought of getting them something that
can guide them to easily start net business without failing victim of buying useless information that can not help them to start online business. I’ve now decided to give away my awesome
Practical Internet Business Training Secret, so I can help every one who is willing to finally get the truth and start online business can do so And I have listed there the step by step on how to start it. “The 12 Latest Most Lucrative Internet Businesses The Entire Net is Talking About Income Generator That Can Make You Wealthy about which I’m operating right away in my home are on your way and you're only a step away from it.
See... I’ve made a fortune online and I’ve helped over 10.000 Nigerians, Africans customers to unlock the secrets to getting started online. And now it is your turn to succeed? Is it your turn to start making money on the internet even though you have been on the net business without making enough money as you expected this information also is meant for you.
Would an extra $5,00, $1,000 or $5,000 a month change your life...of course it would. As my life was transformed when I took the positive steps.
Well, “The 12 Latest Most Lucrative Internet Businesses The Entire Net is Talking About Income Generator That Can Make You Wealthy package is designed just for the Purpose of helping you to start making real dollars on the net without been deceived. It is simply if you take the urgent step to order the package. I will even help to do it for you to start this net business today. And all the help you are needed I will personally give it to you and I will help to guide you and show you how to do it without living you one hand.
What contend in the package for me?
Do you want to be one of the 1000 people I’m willing to help start making money within 3 days from today? Yes, I really meant it. I am personally showing exactly how to start making real money from hyips, auto surf, randomizer, MLM, almighty Survey, data entry, get paid to read mail, click bank, google adword /adsense without having to sell anything to any body. And I know you will learn about the biggest opportunity that will end poverty in your life and in your family. It's out there...you probably know someone doing it. You are the next success story.
Taking the life changing step is the progressiveness to the top. I'm willing to tell you what the gurus are hiding a way from you. The package is really been one of the most talk about Internet businesses that you can start immediately after reading the info.
It's going to amaze you of how I make $120 dollars everyday on the HYIPS programs, for auto surf , I ‘m earning $50 from data entry, and mlm, while for Almighty survey, I earning over $143 in 5 hour and it’s daily income. and your success in the year 2007 is Totally Guaranteed. You will see how to know if a company is register or not, how to get your hyips investment in register company/secure firm. 3 years a go I was on the net conference on Hyips programs and I thank God for making it possible for me to be part of that programs. At the programs, I was told how to invest in a register hyips and how to know if the hyips register for a months or a year license. This package has all the details.
You will also see 30 hyips registered company to invest your money if you want to settle for investment and they will pay up 3% to 7% daily and weekly with insurance on your money invests. I will personally guide you to invest $30 on the hyips and earn $90 weekly from hyips
Almighty Survey is one of the most lucrative Internet business that if you really serious, you could be earn a minimum of $2500 or more dollars every months just like I’m earning. Think of it, if you earn $70 - $100 daily as a beginner from survey, multiply it within a month time, see you have earned over $2500 a months and it is very easy to do. I will even give you a credit card to use in doing your survey that will cost you only $5 and over $150 is in the card. Yes I mean it.
I have also taken time to explain step by step to start earning money on google programs like google adword and adsense,also paydotcom, agloco the top New Bill gate biz, click bank etc. My secret with google programs has earn me a residual income. That I I’m earning over $2945 monthly from google. I have just collected my last months check of $2945 waiting to be clear in the bank. I will also show you how to easily get your first check from google. Though you will not earn like me for the first 2 months but as times goes you ill even earn move than me.
More over I have also taken time to list step by step guide on how you can to open your personal Paypal A/c for free and confirm/verified.And also show you how you can open your personal USA Bank A/C in 3 days for free without paying a dime for it.
You will also discover so many information on how to guide and protect your paypal a/c, fund you’re a/c, withdraw your money in Nigeria , fund your USA Bank A/C , and even link your USA bank a/c with your Nigeria Bank a/c. See my paypal account has been working since 2003 anduptil now my account is still active and I have done a lots of transaction with my account and I will show you for free how to open, confirm/ verify your paypal account and I will aso show you how to fund, protect and transfer money to e-godl or from e-gold to paypal account. Very easily.
Ramdomizer programs earn me $312 every months and the best part is you can invest only $10 to $22 and earn $260 monthly without investing any dime again. It is a life time income which keep coming as long as the programs is online. I earn my first $830 dollars from this programs in 2003 with my paypal account. But with E-gold now, you can start this business very easily with $10 and within 7 days you have earn $80. is reliable biz for any beginner and even gurus are massively investing on this business and all this information is on this package with many more information.
And much much much more that I cannot exhaust in this report. Only being in possession of this package can convince you of its work. I have also put everything step by step on how to do it
without paying anybody to do it for you. The taste of the pudding is in the eating!
This is one-time opportunity for you to acquire this amazing moneymaking skill that will totally transform your finances for life. Plus also opportunity to get paypal, US a/c and Start net business almost immediately. It’s very easy to get started right away when you know to do it.
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Jenstar and Shoemoney presents the best tactics for generating revenue from Google Adsense an the Yahoo! Publisher Network.
All right, we admit that we followed this Search Engine Strategies session as much for our own sake as for the benefit of our readers. We make active use of contextual pay-per-click ads to cover our bills, and listening to experts like Jennifer Slegg and Jeremy Schomeaker is always a pleasure.
We were not disappointed. Jennifer gave a poplar and to-the-point presentation of what to look out for when using Google Adsense or Yahoo! Publisher Network (YPN).
Below are some of the points
Guard your title tags an metatags
Make sure that you use different title tags on your pages, as Google do make use of them when determining what you pages are about. The more correct their analysis is, the more targeted the ads will be, and the more targeted the ads are, the better the click-through rate will be.
It seems that Adsense make use of the metatags as well, Jenstar said, so you should not skip them.
Here’s one we didn’t know about: Google is also making use of the anchor text in inbound links to determine the content of the page. You may consider getting inbound links with the relevant keywords (which is a good thing anyway).
Make use of image ads
Adsense allows you to choose whether to stick to text ads only or allow image ads as well. Jennifer recommended allowing image ads. If not you will be loosing a lot of revenue. People that are becoming blind to text ads, may see and click on an image ad, or in her words: “Image ads a perfect for sites wanting to avoid looking Adsense-heavy.”
You should definitely track and test your ads, and Google helps you to do that by allowing you to tag ad units with different channels.
You may compare the effect of text and image ads by setting up a separate channel and unit for image ads.
New ad types
Google is experimenting with so-called CPA ads (Cost per action — by invitation only). These are more similar to affiliate programs, as you get paid a percentage of each sale made. They give good money for a conversion, Jennifer said.
She also drew attention to the new video ads which show good promise revenue wise. You need to enable image ads to get such ads, and use one of the video ad friendly ad sizes.
Check the HTML code
Ensure that the ad unit with the highest click through rate (CTR) appears first in the HTML code. This ad will have the highest earning.
Don’t confuse appearing first on the page with appearing first in the HTML, Jennifer said. Blog software and content management systems are using CSS (cascading style sheets) which means that the order of elements in the HTML code may be different from the order on the page.
Vary the look of ad units
Most experts will argue that you should avoid borders on ad units to make the ads blend in with the rest of the site, the argument being that ads that look like regular site content are more clickable. Jennifer argued that this is not always the case. “Sometimes borders are best,” she said, and gave another argument for testing different versions of the ad units.
Sometimes labeling the ads as such actually helps. Choose a different color and form for the ad and label it “Sponsored links” or any other text that is acceptable to the ad provider.
However, you should not limit your testing to ad units. You could also split test Adsense versus YPN.
In any case, YPN is worth testing. Yahoo’s program is still in beta, and is continuously improving. Some blogs can earn significantly more with YPN despite the huge number of run of network ads. http://www.jensense.com/archives/2005/10/ypn_does_away_w.html
You may also mix up different version of the ad units to prevent banner blindness, Jenstar said. You can achieve this by using one of the ad rotation scripts available on the Net.
Jenstar recommended that you remove on page clutter. Everything you have on a page influence the ads, including javascripts and CSS. Put such code in external files, if possible. Place navigation, headers and footer at the end of the HTML code.
Optimize ad title colors. Two tactics seem to work well: Make the hyperlinks blue or use the same color as other links on the page.
Avoid the filterAlthough Jennifer understood the wish to filter out some types of ad, she said that using the filer list may cost you a lot of money. Use the filter to block competitors or grossly mistargeted ads only.
Reduce the number of ads per page
Do not go overboard when it comes to the number of ad units on a page (and even if Google recommends you to do so). One ad unit on a page can make more money for a page than three combined. The reason for this is that that one ad unit get the best paying ads.
Watch your syndicated content. Use feeds from quality sources, and apply family friendly filter if possible. One wrong word may trigger a ban from Google or Yahoo!
Forums are hard to monetize, and people following forums do not see ads. Here you definitely should make use of a color scheme rotator, Jennifer said. You can also change the position and size of the ad unit frequently.
If you want to put ads in your RSS feed, got to Yahoo!; Adsense is just testing such ads at the moment. If you do, try to avoid common blog terms in the text and links, as such words will attract ads for blog software and services.
Corporate sites
Business and corporate sites should be careful with using contextual ads, if they want to sell their own products and services. People clicking on such ads will leave your site and you are loosing a potential customer. Sites with such ads may also seem less respectable, Jennifer said. Moreover, competitors’ ads will show up.
When you are caught
If your account is suspended, you will usually have three days to comply before ad serving is suspended. Do whatever you can to fix the problem as fast as you can.If your account is suspended
To avoid being banned, stay away from bad traffic sources and any content that is against policies. Do not incite clicks. Don’t blab specific stats without permission.Keep contact info up to date. And never click on your own ads!
Shoemaker says it all
Jeremy Shoemaker had a lively and frank presentation of his own experience as a publisher using contextual ads. He has a policy of informing Google of all “grey area” tactics he may be testing, which is probably also why he was so open – in spite of the fact that Gavin Bishop, GBS Sales Manager of Google Adsense sat next to him.
Anyway his tactic of having an open and transparent communication with Google probably pays off. Google will not always give a clear answer as to whether they find a tactic to be kosher, but they will tell you if they find it questionable.
You don’t want to have repeating issues, but if you solve a problem that is ok.
Gray areas
As an example of a grey area he pointed to having images next to ads. That use to be a successful way of enticing visitors to click on ads, and this is no longer allowed. Still, some people are experimenting with putting graphic layout elements nest to ads to see if that is accepted.
Complete the functionality of the site before you add ads, Shoemaker said You should have at least 1000 unique visitors a day.
Another grey area is contextual arbitrage or search engine arbitrage. You buy traffic cheap from one search engine and sell it to another. He presented Bearshare, a site that have had 20 million downloads of its software. Installing the software forces you to select a Google Adsense driven search engine as you default home page. They probably earn a lot of money this way, Shoemoney argued.
Shoemoney was not too impressed with YPN. The targeting is horrible, he said, and the service is too focused on advertisers and not on publishers. Moreover, there are many false alarm compliance issues.
When developing a site for Adsense, you can make use of different tools. Shoemoney loves Google Analytics. He also recommended the Crazyegg.com’s heatmap service, which shows you what part of a page people are clicking on.
Gavin Bishop of Google Adsense argued that testing is the key to get most out of contextual advertising. “We are always looking of feedback and on how the program can be improved,” he said.
This session was moderated by Dana Todd of SiteLab International, Inc.
More of Pandia’s Search Engine Strategies coverage.
All right, we admit that we followed this Search Engine Strategies session as much for our own sake as for the benefit of our readers. We make active use of contextual pay-per-click ads to cover our bills, and listening to experts like Jennifer Slegg and Jeremy Schomeaker is always a pleasure.
We were not disappointed. Jennifer gave a poplar and to-the-point presentation of what to look out for when using Google Adsense or Yahoo! Publisher Network (YPN).
Below are some of the points
Guard your title tags an metatags
Make sure that you use different title tags on your pages, as Google do make use of them when determining what you pages are about. The more correct their analysis is, the more targeted the ads will be, and the more targeted the ads are, the better the click-through rate will be.
It seems that Adsense make use of the metatags as well, Jenstar said, so you should not skip them.
Here’s one we didn’t know about: Google is also making use of the anchor text in inbound links to determine the content of the page. You may consider getting inbound links with the relevant keywords (which is a good thing anyway).
Make use of image ads
Adsense allows you to choose whether to stick to text ads only or allow image ads as well. Jennifer recommended allowing image ads. If not you will be loosing a lot of revenue. People that are becoming blind to text ads, may see and click on an image ad, or in her words: “Image ads a perfect for sites wanting to avoid looking Adsense-heavy.”
You should definitely track and test your ads, and Google helps you to do that by allowing you to tag ad units with different channels.
You may compare the effect of text and image ads by setting up a separate channel and unit for image ads.
New ad types
Google is experimenting with so-called CPA ads (Cost per action — by invitation only). These are more similar to affiliate programs, as you get paid a percentage of each sale made. They give good money for a conversion, Jennifer said.
She also drew attention to the new video ads which show good promise revenue wise. You need to enable image ads to get such ads, and use one of the video ad friendly ad sizes.
Check the HTML code
Ensure that the ad unit with the highest click through rate (CTR) appears first in the HTML code. This ad will have the highest earning.
Don’t confuse appearing first on the page with appearing first in the HTML, Jennifer said. Blog software and content management systems are using CSS (cascading style sheets) which means that the order of elements in the HTML code may be different from the order on the page.
Vary the look of ad units
Most experts will argue that you should avoid borders on ad units to make the ads blend in with the rest of the site, the argument being that ads that look like regular site content are more clickable. Jennifer argued that this is not always the case. “Sometimes borders are best,” she said, and gave another argument for testing different versions of the ad units.
Sometimes labeling the ads as such actually helps. Choose a different color and form for the ad and label it “Sponsored links” or any other text that is acceptable to the ad provider.
However, you should not limit your testing to ad units. You could also split test Adsense versus YPN.
In any case, YPN is worth testing. Yahoo’s program is still in beta, and is continuously improving. Some blogs can earn significantly more with YPN despite the huge number of run of network ads. http://www.jensense.com/archives/2005/10/ypn_does_away_w.html
You may also mix up different version of the ad units to prevent banner blindness, Jenstar said. You can achieve this by using one of the ad rotation scripts available on the Net.
Jenstar recommended that you remove on page clutter. Everything you have on a page influence the ads, including javascripts and CSS. Put such code in external files, if possible. Place navigation, headers and footer at the end of the HTML code.
Optimize ad title colors. Two tactics seem to work well: Make the hyperlinks blue or use the same color as other links on the page.
Avoid the filterAlthough Jennifer understood the wish to filter out some types of ad, she said that using the filer list may cost you a lot of money. Use the filter to block competitors or grossly mistargeted ads only.
Reduce the number of ads per page
Do not go overboard when it comes to the number of ad units on a page (and even if Google recommends you to do so). One ad unit on a page can make more money for a page than three combined. The reason for this is that that one ad unit get the best paying ads.
Watch your syndicated content. Use feeds from quality sources, and apply family friendly filter if possible. One wrong word may trigger a ban from Google or Yahoo!
Forums are hard to monetize, and people following forums do not see ads. Here you definitely should make use of a color scheme rotator, Jennifer said. You can also change the position and size of the ad unit frequently.
If you want to put ads in your RSS feed, got to Yahoo!; Adsense is just testing such ads at the moment. If you do, try to avoid common blog terms in the text and links, as such words will attract ads for blog software and services.
Corporate sites
Business and corporate sites should be careful with using contextual ads, if they want to sell their own products and services. People clicking on such ads will leave your site and you are loosing a potential customer. Sites with such ads may also seem less respectable, Jennifer said. Moreover, competitors’ ads will show up.
When you are caught
If your account is suspended, you will usually have three days to comply before ad serving is suspended. Do whatever you can to fix the problem as fast as you can.If your account is suspended
To avoid being banned, stay away from bad traffic sources and any content that is against policies. Do not incite clicks. Don’t blab specific stats without permission.Keep contact info up to date. And never click on your own ads!
Shoemaker says it all
Jeremy Shoemaker had a lively and frank presentation of his own experience as a publisher using contextual ads. He has a policy of informing Google of all “grey area” tactics he may be testing, which is probably also why he was so open – in spite of the fact that Gavin Bishop, GBS Sales Manager of Google Adsense sat next to him.
Anyway his tactic of having an open and transparent communication with Google probably pays off. Google will not always give a clear answer as to whether they find a tactic to be kosher, but they will tell you if they find it questionable.
You don’t want to have repeating issues, but if you solve a problem that is ok.
Gray areas
As an example of a grey area he pointed to having images next to ads. That use to be a successful way of enticing visitors to click on ads, and this is no longer allowed. Still, some people are experimenting with putting graphic layout elements nest to ads to see if that is accepted.
Complete the functionality of the site before you add ads, Shoemaker said You should have at least 1000 unique visitors a day.
Another grey area is contextual arbitrage or search engine arbitrage. You buy traffic cheap from one search engine and sell it to another. He presented Bearshare, a site that have had 20 million downloads of its software. Installing the software forces you to select a Google Adsense driven search engine as you default home page. They probably earn a lot of money this way, Shoemoney argued.
Shoemoney was not too impressed with YPN. The targeting is horrible, he said, and the service is too focused on advertisers and not on publishers. Moreover, there are many false alarm compliance issues.
When developing a site for Adsense, you can make use of different tools. Shoemoney loves Google Analytics. He also recommended the Crazyegg.com’s heatmap service, which shows you what part of a page people are clicking on.
Gavin Bishop of Google Adsense argued that testing is the key to get most out of contextual advertising. “We are always looking of feedback and on how the program can be improved,” he said.
This session was moderated by Dana Todd of SiteLab International, Inc.
More of Pandia’s Search Engine Strategies coverage.
Low APR credit cards are much more prevalent than in years past. Competition is stiff and credit card financial institutions offer many nice perks, rewards, points, low annual percentage rates (APR) and other inducements. They want to capture new customers who've never had a credit card but also those who already have a credit card and might like to save money by transferring that card's balance on to their new low APR credit cards.
Of course, there is nothing lower in an APR than zero - and those exist too, although sometimes for a limited time period. It may be that the lowest, or even the zero percentage APR is for an introductory period, after which the rate is higher. The permanent APR is what you want to watch out for, of course. Although if you're not opposed to doing a lot of switching, you can always purchase a low APR credit card, or zero percentage APR credit card, transfer the balance from your current high APR credit card, and then, once the introductory time period has expired and the APR is about to go up on your newest credit card, transfer the balance yet again to a brand new low APR credit card.
Let's look at a few of the low APR credit cards out there, so you know what kinds of options are typically available to you.
Citibank, for example, offers low APR credit cards that give you five percent cash back on any purchase you making at grocery stores and gas stations with your low APR credit card, and one percent back for any purchase elsewhere. The APR on transfers is zero for the first year. If your transfer transaction is at least $1500 you will earn $5 cash back with the low APR credit card. There is no annual fee and the APR after the first year is 12.24 percent.
Discover has a platinum clear card whose low APR is continual. The first year the APR is zero, but after the first year it's still a very competitive 9.99 percent. And there is no annual fee. With these low APR credit cards you earn a five percent cash back bonus on purchases made from hardware and home improvement retailers, restaurants, book vendors, and gas stations. If the retailer doesn't qualify you for the five percent discount you will always get one percent back no matter what you buy and from where with this low APR credit card.
Chase Bank offers low APR credit cards as well. Its zero percent APR is good for six months, after which you will pay 10.49 percent. These low APR credit cards have no annual fee, and offer rewards at the rate of one point for every dollar spent with your Chase card. You can get free airline flights and hotel rooms, as well as cruises and auto rentals. This card also provides $500,000 worth of travel insurance for worldwide vacationing. You can also take advantage of a fifteen percent discount off a Hertz car rental with these low APR credit cards
Of course, there is nothing lower in an APR than zero - and those exist too, although sometimes for a limited time period. It may be that the lowest, or even the zero percentage APR is for an introductory period, after which the rate is higher. The permanent APR is what you want to watch out for, of course. Although if you're not opposed to doing a lot of switching, you can always purchase a low APR credit card, or zero percentage APR credit card, transfer the balance from your current high APR credit card, and then, once the introductory time period has expired and the APR is about to go up on your newest credit card, transfer the balance yet again to a brand new low APR credit card.
Let's look at a few of the low APR credit cards out there, so you know what kinds of options are typically available to you.
Citibank, for example, offers low APR credit cards that give you five percent cash back on any purchase you making at grocery stores and gas stations with your low APR credit card, and one percent back for any purchase elsewhere. The APR on transfers is zero for the first year. If your transfer transaction is at least $1500 you will earn $5 cash back with the low APR credit card. There is no annual fee and the APR after the first year is 12.24 percent.
Discover has a platinum clear card whose low APR is continual. The first year the APR is zero, but after the first year it's still a very competitive 9.99 percent. And there is no annual fee. With these low APR credit cards you earn a five percent cash back bonus on purchases made from hardware and home improvement retailers, restaurants, book vendors, and gas stations. If the retailer doesn't qualify you for the five percent discount you will always get one percent back no matter what you buy and from where with this low APR credit card.
Chase Bank offers low APR credit cards as well. Its zero percent APR is good for six months, after which you will pay 10.49 percent. These low APR credit cards have no annual fee, and offer rewards at the rate of one point for every dollar spent with your Chase card. You can get free airline flights and hotel rooms, as well as cruises and auto rentals. This card also provides $500,000 worth of travel insurance for worldwide vacationing. You can also take advantage of a fifteen percent discount off a Hertz car rental with these low APR credit cards
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